We are ready to share our business knowledge with our partners, beginning with the strategic planning for brand new entering into the industries, cost management, introduction to production planning, stock management, and effective sales channels. Pruksa Laboratory adheres to customer goals as if ours and keeps running the business together as a customer’s partner.

Marketing Consultant Service Process

Request for service.
After a deposit payment and starting the production with Pruksa Laboratory, customers can inform their needs for a marketing consultation.

Prepare the desired discussion topics and subjects.
Customers can notify matters that they want to consult, such as requesting a connection in various aspects or consulting marketing planning. The customer may prepare basic brand information, brand target customers, preferred marketing channels, and other related information that you want to consult with us.

Make an appointment.
After the staff has received the information and matters that need to be discussed, we will make an appointment for a consultation day.

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